Pastoral Letter vol 2: A NEW ERA

Dear Saints

With Lent now upon us, we awoke in Gauteng this morning to a new era of hope for South Africa following the resignation of Mr. Jacob Zuma as President of the Republic of South Africa. It is fitting that we are in Lent. For this new period is one in which we can look at a vision for our country not seen since the heady days of President Nelson Mandela, but also to reflect in penitence about the ills that led us to the dreadful situation out of which we are now hopefully emerging.

It may be convenient for many to say that what has occurred in our country has been the making of one man. It is indeed true that President Zuma was found wanting by the Constitutional Court, and in many other ways by others. But what we should all bear in mind is that while South Africa dived headlong into a situation of socio-economic and political despair, there were many in Parliament and elsewhere who actively protected the President. That is politics and these are hard realities.

What we should be doing as Christians now, however, in this time of penitence during Lent, is to reflect on how such a situation was allowed to develop, and resolve not to permit it to occur again.

It is also a moment for us as a Church in this Diocese to call on our public representatives to reflect on what part they played, if any, in allowing such a situation to develop.

We should be praying diligently during this Lenten period for our public representatives. More especially, we need to be thinking of the new President of South Africa and other political party leaders in Parliament as they seek to exercise their roles in a responsible way. Closer to home, the Gauteng Legislature members should also be remembered, as should our City Councils.

Encouragingly, what recent developments have shown is that our institutions of democracy, such as the Judiciary, Chapter 9 institutions, and civil society organisations are alive and well, as is the freedom of the press. We should bear in mind that many of the revelations that have led to this new era of hope were the result of diligent investigative reporting on the one hand, and interrogation of the facts by Chapter 9 institutions such as the Public Protector on the other.

There is much for which to be grateful. I urge us all to work together to rejuvenate our society, rekindle our economy, and bring to bear the Spirit of the Christ whose Resurrection we shall again celebrate as we come to the Easter which will bring this Lenten season to an end.

Yours in Christ

The Rt Revd Dr. Steve Moreo


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